A requirement in the USNSCC is for cadets to take the PRT (Physical Readiness Test) two times a year, once in the spring and once in the winter. Cadets must pass their PRT to stay in the program and attend summer/winter training.

The PRT tests cadets on 3 exercises: pushups, plank, and a 1-mile run. Each cadet will perform as many pushups (with the correct form) as possible within 1 minute. Each cadet will hold the correct position of plank for as long as possible (capped at 3 minutes 30 seconds). Each cadet will complete a 1 mile run (passing times are indicated below).

The physical standards vary by age and are categorized into 5 levels. Level 2 is the minimum level to join the program, and it is highlighted in blue on the standards chart. See below for more details on the levels.

During drills, cadets participate in physical training (PT). However, this is not enough to prepare for the PRT. Cadets are strongly encouraged to practice pushups, plank, and running outside of drill - especially when nearing the PRT dates.

The overall fitness level will be determined by the lowest score in three physical challenges: planks, pushups, and the mile run.

Level 1: This represents any cadet who hasn't met all three requirements for Level 2 or higher. If your PRT is over six months old, you'll also be considered Level 1 until you retest and achieve a new score.

Level 2 (Progressing): This is designed as a transition phase for our newer cadets who may need more time to reach Level 3 but are otherwise ready to attend Recruit Training (RT). To attend RT and advance to Seaman Apprentice (SA), cadets only need a Level 2 score.

Level 3, satisfactory, or higher is required to advance to SN and above and attend any advanced training. At this time, we have only added a new PRT level between Failed and Satisfactory. The current levels of Satisfactory (level 3), Good (level 4), and Excellent (level 5) are the same.

Level 3 (Satisfactory) or higher: Level 3 is required to progress to Seaman (SN) or higher. Level 3 is required to attend advanced training. The standards for "Satisfactory" (Level 3), "Good" (Level 4), and "Excellent" (Level 5) have not changed. The complete PRT standards


  • Cadets must place hands directly beneath shoulders or slightly wider

    • Wide pushups (placing hands too wide, outside of shoulders) will not be counted

  • Body must be completely flat (head, shoulders, back, and hip aligned in one horizontal line)

    • Dipping or raising the head, torso, hips, knees, etc will not be counted


  • If any one of your knees touches the ground, your pushup count will have ended (you are finished exercising and cannot resume or continue)