Grooming & Uniform
Grooming standards are based on several elements including neatness, cleanliness, safety, military image, and appearance. The standards established herein are not intended to be overly restrictive or isolate NSCC personnel from society. The limits set forth are reasonable and ensure that personal appearance contributes to a favorable military image. NSCC male and female grooming policies recognize the difference between the sexes and establish appropriate grooming and personal appearance standards for male and female officers and cadets.
USNSCC Uniform Manual
Read the official USNSCC Uniform Manual for in-depth grooming and uniforming regulations. It is mandatory that all cadets read and reference this manual.
This policy applies to male members in uniform or when wearing civilian clothes in the performance of duty. Keep hair neat, clean, and well-groomed. Members may wear varying hairstyles if they meet the criteria of maximum length and bulk, tapered neck and sides, and correct wear of military headgear.
- Hair must not be longer than four inches on the top of head.
- Hair must not touch the ears or collar.
- Hair must not extend below the eyebrows.
- Bulk is the distance that the mass of hair protrudes from the scalp. It must not exceed two inches.
- Hair dye or coloring must look natural and complement the individual. Do not wear faddish styles or outrageous multicolored hair.
- Do not wear plaited or braided hair in uniform or in a duty status.
- If worn, sideburns should not extend past the middle of the ear. Do not wear flared sideburns, "muttonchops", "ship's captain", or similar styles.
- Wigs or hairpieces are allowed while in uniform or duty status only to cover natural baldness or physical disfigurement.

Facial Hair:
- Unless granted a waiver or religious accommodation, male cadets must be clean-shaven.
- Exceptions may be allowed with younger cadets.
- Uniformed Officers (including Instructors and Midshipmen) may wear mustaches.
- Non-Uniformed Instructors and Auxiliary Members may wear mustaches or beards.
This policy applies to female members in uniform or when wearing civilian clothes in the performance of duty. Hairstyles must present a professional, balanced appearance. Do not wear styles with shaved portions of the scalp (other than the neckline), those with designs cut, braided, or parted into the hair, or those dyed using unnatural colors.
- Hair should be neat, clean, slick back, and not protruding from the head.
- Use of gel or hair products is encouraged, especially to avoid flyaways.
- Hairstyles must not interfere with headgear or show from under the front edge of headgear.
- Hair may touch, but not fall below, the lower edge of the back of the collar.
- Keep long hair, including braids, neatly fastened, pinned, or secured to the head.
- Bangs must not extend below the eyebrows.
- Do not wear widely spaced-braids or pigtails.
- Single braid, French braid or a single ponytail may be worn while in PT uniform.
- Cadets may wear layered hairstyles that present a smooth and graduated appearance.
- Except for documented medical conditions, hair length must prevent the scalp from being readily visible.
- Minus the bun, hair bulk as measured from the scalp must not exceed 2 inches.
- Wigs, hairpieces, and extensions must be of a natural hair color and match the current color of hair.
- Tints and highlights must be natural and similar to the current base color.

Hair Accessories:
- Wear accessories that match the hair color.
- May use a maximum of two small barrettes or clips, similar to hair color, to secure the hair to the head.
- May use bun accessories if completely concealed.
- If necessary, members may use additional hairpins, bobby pins, small rubber bands, or small thin fabric elastic bands to hold the hair in place.
- Tuck in and secure all loose ends of hair.
- Do not wear hairnets unless authorized for a specific type of duty, such as food service.
- Headbands, combs, claws, or butterfly clips are not authorized.
Males: Should not extend past the fingertips
Earrings/Studs: Allowed for females only, not males. Must be a small matte silver ball (approx. ¼ inch ball). One per ear, centered on earlobe.
Wristwatch: One is authorized. Must be conservative.
Rings: One per hand is authorized.
Necklaces: Authorized but cannot be visible (tuck beneath undershirt)
Bracelets: Only one may be worn. Must be conservative. Ankle bracelets are not allowed.
Not authorized. No articles, other than earrings for females specific above, shall be attached to any part of the body.
PT Uniform (PTU):

Consists of an official gold USNSCC t-shirt and all blue, mid-thigh to knee length athletic shorts.
Navy blue sweats or the USNSCC sweatshirt/sweatpants are optional uniform items to be worn with the PTU. The sweatshirt/sweatpants may be worn as a complete set or individually.
Type IIIs (NWU) Components:
How to wear the Navy Working Uniform (NWU):
Dress Uniforms:
There are two Dress uniforms: Dress whites (worn in the spring/summer) and Dress Blues (worn in the fall/winter).
Sea Cadets and League Cadets have different Dress Uniforms. Male and female dress uniforms are identical.
Sea Cadets:
League Cadet:
Ironing the Dress Uniform:
Below is an illustration of the proper ironing procedures for the Dress Uniform. The creases are the same for both Dress Whites and Dress Blues.
Please note as it may not be entirely clear, the creases on both of the sleeves are going inboard, and the crease running down the front of the jumper is aiming outboard. On the back of the jumper, there should be a single inboard crease running down the center of the jumper. On the backside of the jumper, there will be a collar flap it must have 3 outboard creases on i
How to Tie the Neckerchief:
Below is an illustration of the proper ironing procedures for the Dress Uniform. The creases are the same for both Dress Whites and Dress Blues.
Please note as it may not be entirely clear, the creases on both of the sleeves are going inboard, and the crease running down the front of the jumper is aiming outboard. On the back of the jumper, there should be a single inboard crease running down the center of the jumper. On the backside of the jumper, there will be a collar flap it must have 3 outboard creases on i

Ribbons & Appurtenances:

Ribbons are worn above the left breast pocket of Dress Uniforms, while the ceremonial nameplate is worn above the right breast pocket. Check your Ribbon Rack in Quarterdeck regularly and update it.
How to Shine Dress Shoes:
**This also works with the NWU boots. Keep in mind: cadets are only required to shine the front tip of the working boots. For the Dress Shoes, cadets are required to shine the whole shoe.